"Never judge a book by its cover," but we always do dont we?

Thomas Monahan Jake Skowronski
6 years ago

Hello friends. #30 appeared to be unrestorable and the patient adamantly declined an implant.


Can "Herodontia" be used for treatment plan "phasing?"

We took a cbct scan to evaluate whether we could even keep the RCT in house and did not refer. 

​After a review of symptoms and pulp vitality testing we began the procedure and here is what we saw after we removed the PFM crown. 

 After gross decay removal we were all shocked the nerve was not exposed or even blushing.

Because Zirconia is so biocompatible with soft and hard oral tissues; we can place the crown quite subgingivally with great success.


Of course, the very guarded prognosis was reinforced again at the end of the appointment and the patient stated,

"Well, when this fails I want an implant"

 The moral of the story is; "Herodontia" can be part of  "Treatment Plan Phasing" that allows the patient to become more comfortable with previously refuted options. He was not mentally prepared to go from a crown straight to an implant. Despite my most thorough advisement; his previous dental knowledge, exposure and experience required him a stepping stone to the implant psychologically.​ 


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