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Created Title
#9 Implant provisional - Would really appreciate help with this :)
By: Dmitry Merzon 3 Replies
How to change Factory Settings
By: Steven Goguen 2 Replies
First CAD screw retained crown will not seat properly
By: Christopher Proto 8 Replies
By: Anonymous 1 Reply
Anterior Bridge help
By: Nate Henderson 2 Replies
Wax Up Looked Good, Not Like Lumpy Potatoes
By: Chris Miller 2 Replies
Assistance with digital work flow for immediate denture
By: Chad Murdock 1 Reply
Connector size
By: Rohini Singh 3 Replies
#9 implant crown help
By: Brandon Smith 2 Replies
Totally stuck! Simple case turned challenging! Help please with implant crown design.
By: Nina King 10 Replies
First Maryland Bridge case
By: David Sorensen 4 Replies
Hybrid Abutment help
By: Ray Ortiz 7 Replies
#18 implant help
By: Paula Sones 6 Replies
why is the margin of the implant crown s far away from the gingiva and can I bring it down?
By: Fariba Farrokhi 5 Replies
anterior crown fit trouble
By: Chih Chiu 1 Reply
Veneers #8-9
By: Anonymous 10 Replies
Primescan ghost image/ crash
By: Don Cork 8 Replies
#14 hybrid crown wouldlike feed back about gingival contours
By: Grayson Palmer 6 Replies
Difficulties Seating Onlay
By: Beth Skovron 17 Replies
#29 to Split or not to split
By: David Sorensen 3 Replies
Lower Anterior Maryland Bridge design help
By: Rich Rosenblatt 5 Replies
No interproximal contact implant crown
By: Jay Talbot 3 Replies
Anterior implant crown design help
By: Jim Durnin 4 Replies
Dan Wilson please review
By: Jim Durnin 4 Replies
Help with implant crowns 19 & 20
By: Rohini Singh 7 Replies
screw retained implant crown
By: Fariba Farrokhi 1 Reply
Emax implant hybrid abut, with splinted cementable 3M chairside zirconia bridge
By: Anonymous
Advice on Anterior Maryland Bridge
By: Michael Putt 6 Replies
Restoration deleted after saving and closing
By: Tyler Siegert 7 Replies
design upper and lower anteriors help!
By: Anonymous 7 Replies
Uploading RST
By: Kevin Fryer 3 Replies
No Opposing in model/design Please Help
By: Kyle Dixon 14 Replies
bridge 20,21, (fractured) wing 22 and crown13
By: Ruchika Khetarpal 10 Replies
2 implant restorations
By: Joe Bousaba 3 Replies
Struggling with Central Incisor + Cantilever
By: Deepal Bhambra 2 Replies
Help designing maryland bridge
By: Michael Wilson 4 Replies
Trouble importing and then adding to an image file
By: Nick Cost 5 Replies
#3 implant crown - small space
By: Dmitry Merzon 2 Replies
help with Maryland bridge
By: Steven Goguen 4 Replies
Couple of questions: where did biojaw go? Also any idea on how to make this case easier?
By: Trevor Labrum 7 Replies
missing data but not
By: Beth Skovron 1 Reply
Please Help With an Implant Case
By: Dmitry Merzon 3 Replies
Immediate resin bonded bridge #7
By: Michael Bell 4 Replies
Please help with Implant case
By: Melinda Garcia 5 Replies
Can't mill Implant abutment
By: Jay Talbot 4 Replies
Help my scan body keeps disappearing in model phase
By: Anthony Moeller 2 Replies
Open Zirconia Conacts Tooth 30
By: Anonymous 3 Replies
Open Zirconia Conacts Tooth 19
By: Anonymous 3 Replies
Need help with implant crown #13
By: Dr. Irving Chao 2 Replies
Biogeneric individual scanning
By: Gregory Becker 5 Replies