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Created Title
implants 30/31
By: Michael Opler 4 Replies
Anteror Bridge Help Design
By: Michelle Fielden 9 Replies
Light Contact for a couple of cases
By: Gautam Bindra 3 Replies
Onlay #15
By: Ted Chamberlain 5 Replies
Convert stl to cdt
By: Phil Shay 7 Replies
required case 2 for basic
By: Chad Conlin
required case for basic 1
By: Chad Conlin 1 Reply
By: Chad Conlin 1 Reply
By: Chad Conlin 1 Reply
cantilevered bridge connector
By: Thomas Smith 1 Reply
Maryland Bridge Help
By: Douglas Desatnik 1 Reply
Help with 6 Veneer Proposal
By: Sully Sullivan 1 Reply
trouble with case
By: David Gale 4 Replies
Onlay design help
By: Anonymous 2 Replies
dificult design
By: David Gale 1 Reply
Tricky implant #10
By: Dr Jay Claywell 2 Replies
#31 S-R Implant Crown emergence profile
By: Lane Eddleman 4 Replies
Bridge 5-7
By: Sean Eschenbach 2 Replies
Maryland bridge insertion
By: Sarah Roberts 3 Replies
my first attempt
By: Dr. Jamie Italiane-Decubellis 2 Replies
What file to upload for premium cases
By: Jarrod Campbell 9 Replies
Keep getting proposals where occlusal shows very thin
By: Beth Skovron 12 Replies
crown wont seat on abutment
By: Jennine Huet 12 Replies
first straumann
By: Carrie Polster 6 Replies
Adjacent Screw-Retained Implant crowns
By: Lane Eddleman 5 Replies
poor retention b/w tibase and crown
By: Anonymous 6 Replies
Contains Video First 8 and 9 Case, criticism welcome
By: Will Jones 8 Replies
#24 multi layer implant/abutment/crown
By: Michael Koyfman 1 Reply
8 Unit Veneer Case
By: Frank Neves 2 Replies
bad occlusion and bad proposal
By: Norm Pomerance 6 Replies
Implant #4
By: Thad Vincent 2 Replies
Is this restoration possible in the Chair side software?
By: Dr Jay Claywell 3 Replies
bad occlusion and bad proposal
By: Norm Pomerance 1 Reply
Weird proposals for 15 and 18.
By: Will Jones 5 Replies
help with maryland bridge
By: Gary Holtzclaw
bad milling
By: Leonard Packtor 5 Replies
help with first Maryland bridge
By: Anonymous 3 Replies
By: Nohora Rodriguez 3 Replies
Scanpost head (Ti-base) missing to click on in model phase
By: Dewald Fourie 2 Replies
First implant design
By: David Newell 2 Replies
Help with First Implants on Cerec
By: William Chouinard 6 Replies
tibase abut slightly rotated upon insertion
By: Paul Rashid 6 Replies
first two unit - please evaluate
By: Anonymous 3 Replies
lower ant case help
By: Chad Whiting
trouble with anterior biocopy
By: John Humphrey 5 Replies
Provisional maryland Bridge #9
By: Amir Daoud 6 Replies
my first implant crown (screw-retained)
By: Lane Eddleman 4 Replies
8 and 9 elephant men proposals
By: Jorge Angulo 6 Replies
Attempting to fabricate first implant crown
By: Douglas Anderson 8 Replies
sirona connect
By: Luke Gambee 6 Replies