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CEREC/.rst File Analysis Post a New Topic

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Created Title
problem with minimal thickness on abutment design
By: Christian Nwokorie 1 Reply
Always minimal thickness on anterior split
By: Joe Ramellini 5 Replies
Primescan 5.1 version
By: Christian Pilgrim 1 Reply
help with tooth positioning
By: James Maholick 3 Replies
Error with Implant crown #20
By: Carl Jenkins 5 Replies
Splint Help
By: Matthew Harrison 4 Replies
Wrong tooth #
By: Scott Elrod 2 Replies
First 6 unit temp bridge
By: Anonymous 2 Replies
Please help with my Maryland Bridge design
By: Bill Burkhart 2 Replies
Implant contacts, discrepency between arch scan and scan post and
By: Jonathan Nash 3 Replies
First full arch case. Any design help is welcome
By: Tyler Bray 1 Reply
Temporary Maryland Bridge from Canine to premolar: material and design help
By: Christina Cowell 4 Replies
non-ideal implant placement, want help with crown design
By: Greg Moses 7 Replies
Consistently getting unworkable proposals - occlusion issues
By: Nicholas Beirne 7 Replies
replacing #9
By: Chad Gidel
First Full arch case. Cant get to design. Do I have to send to lab?
By: Tyler Bray 2 Replies
Help with Implant Crown Proposal
By: Thomas McAlister 2 Replies
Veneer Mock-up Proposal
By: Kirsten William-Kennedy 2 Replies
Odd design proposal
By: McKinley Soult 11 Replies
Split Implant Proposals
By: Chris Miller 3 Replies
TruAbutment to incoris interface isn't flush
By: Sergei Shirman 5 Replies
Can anyone help with this funky 5.2.4 implant restoration proposal?
By: Farhad Boltchi, D.M.D. 6 Replies
systems graphics card does not match 5.2.4
By: Rodney Alejandro 3 Replies
adjacent implant crown contacts
By: Naresh Hirani 11 Replies
HEPA Filter
By: Anonymous 4 Replies
Assistance needed with design
By: Megan Manswell 3 Replies
Pt in chair, Primescan Unreachable
By: Anonymous 7 Replies
Need help; inlay has a gap
By: Mojgan Mehranfard 3 Replies
By: Waldo Engelbrecht 4 Replies
patient in the chair, lost abutment design
By: Sergei Shirman 9 Replies
maryland bridge help
By: Paula Sones 2 Replies
What am I missing?!
By: Nicholas Beirne 3 Replies
Margin Clarity
By: Anonymous 17 Replies
missing numbers from the bottom left
By: Greg Moses 4 Replies
In Milling phase, Bridge Block 90 degrees off
By: Braden Giswold 4 Replies
Pressed "model" on prime scan and then everything was lost on a biocopy crown
By: Joseph Kelly
Need help with design
By: Anonymous 1 Reply
CEREC won't let me select an Emax "L" block - only "S" is an option
By: Kenneth Lewis 2 Replies
BioCopy Design Issue
By: Rrenee Rathi 1 Reply
Replace Tool Not Working
By: Steffen Lassen 9 Replies
help with abutment and crown
By: Anonymous 3 Replies
Pt. in chair, manual registration on biocopy
By: Greg Moses 4 Replies
BioCopy Design Issue
By: Rrenee Rathi 1 Reply
microdontia] in teeth 8 and 9
By: Todd Briscoe 5 Replies
help with truabutment scan
By: Anonymous 1 Reply
Has anyone seen these messages before?
By: Trey Vereen 2 Replies
implant crown design need help #12
By: Chandler Jones 8 Replies
Multi-unit Maryland Bridge
By: Will Kenner 1 Reply
Weird proposals #8,9
By: Anonymous 5 Replies
difficulties with an implant crown design
By: Larry Leonakis 1 Reply