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Cone Beam and Implants Post a New Topic

Post inquiries or share feedback on Cone Beam technology, the practice of implants and related technology here.

Created Title
Can someone help me with this Straumann implant
By: Jeff Johnson 5 Replies
complex pain case seeking specialists
By: Catherine Cech 4 Replies
importing dicomm
By: David Stangl 5 Replies
Cerec 5.1.3??
By: Jason Skinner 2 Replies
Cerec Guide 3 bridge digital wax up on primescan
By: Robert Lang 5 Replies
Grafting Root Resorption Case
By: Peter Pang 11 Replies
First in office implant plan question
By: Anthony Grados 2 Replies
Best implant motor to buy to get started?
By: Jason Skinner 7 Replies
Implant Direct Swish Plant- is there a Tibase for it?
By: John McQuillen 4 Replies
Medical Billing
By: Aaron Johnson 19 Replies
Restoring a Biohorizons 4.6 body (4.5) platform implant
By: Nick Cost 4 Replies
Astratech implant restoration options
By: David Sorensen 10 Replies
Implant Endo Issues?
By: Doug Smail, D.D.S. 9 Replies
All digital Overdenture
By: David Sorensen 5 Replies
What Is My First Step?
By: Chris Miller 11 Replies
Temporizing vertically fractured #8?
By: Kory Kirkegaard 10 Replies
Modifying scan posts and tibases
By: Michael Longlet 9 Replies
Cerec Guide 2
By: Thomas Cocks 2 Replies
Implant Planning Workflow
By: Shivi Gupta 12 Replies
3.0 mm Nobel Active restoration options
By: David Sorensen 10 Replies
CG3 Sleeve Selection
By: Meena Barsoum 15 Replies
DigitalGuide 20,29,30 Implants design - just need thumbs up or tips
By: Neil Johnson 2 Replies
Atra EV Question
By: Robert Lang 13 Replies
When will Emax be allowed as an abutment with Ankylos Implantts
By: Kevin Rauter
PRF Update: The Importance of the Tubes
By: Farhad Boltchi, D.M.D. 8 Replies
nuvo implants
By: Jeffrey Gregson 2 Replies
Astra Tech EV vs Straumann Implants
By: Aaron Johnson 9 Replies
Hahn Implant
By: Parks Alexander 1 Reply
Immediate placement on primary teeth extractions
By: David Sorensen 3 Replies
Blue Sky Bio?
By: Garnett Ramsbottom 2 Replies
Scanning Straumann BLX with mono scanbody
By: Mike McKinley 2 Replies
Bluesky Bio Max Implants
By: Parks Alexander 14 Replies
Straumann BLX restorative options?
By: Kent Marchant 3 Replies
Cerec milled guides for immediate implants?
By: Jasbir Paik 1 Reply
Reshape the bone or graft
By: Mark Gray 6 Replies
Looks can be deceiving
By: Doug Smail, D.D.S. 13 Replies
splinted cement retained implant crowns workflow?
By: Neil Johnson 1 Reply
will prime mill do cg2
By: Edwin Mueller 1 Reply
Multiple Guides - 1 File
By: Meena Barsoum
Limited opening and guided surgery
By: Susan Prater 10 Replies
how can I move aquisitions to different folder
By: Dave Rossen 17 Replies
By: Marla Wilson 2 Replies
Nobel Conical RP
By: Dave Rossen 1 Reply
Sicat 2.0
By: Robert Lang 11 Replies
Sicat 2.0 planning report
By: Dan Butterman 2 Replies
Classic Guide
By: Susan Prater 10 Replies
Hahn implants
By: Robert Lang 3 Replies
Cerec guide via Planmeca Promax 3D
By: Eric Breton 6 Replies
Astra EV Double Guide Technique
By: Farhad Boltchi, D.M.D. 11 Replies
Patience is a virtue
By: Doug Smail, D.D.S. 10 Replies