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Cone Beam and Implants Post a New Topic

Post inquiries or share feedback on Cone Beam technology, the practice of implants and related technology here.

Created Title
By: Eric Prouty 13 Replies
TV for viewing CBCT Scans
By: Alex Moheban 6 Replies
Storing guides
By: Bill Gilbert 3 Replies
Cerec2 design stuck, can't advance
By: Jeffrey Erickson 6 Replies
3D printing surgical guide
By: Laila Buck 9 Replies
Guided Extraction? Blog Post
By: Jeremy Bewley 28 Replies
Printing digital guide
By: Josh Fowler 6 Replies
retrieving a fractured implant screw
By: Scott Morton 4 Replies
Help restoring Straumann Implant
By: Stanley Waddell 4 Replies
Biohorizons bone profilers
By: Brian Saltzman 3 Replies
Possible Inaccuracies with Printed CG 2 Guides?
By: Farhad Boltchi, D.M.D. 9 Replies
Biomet Certain Fractured Screw
By: Louis Siegelman 8 Replies
This is why i place my own implants Blog Post
By: Robert Lang 25 Replies
Implant Position and Size?
By: Ted Chamberlain 15 Replies
Frialit 2 and Atlantis abutment
By: Juergen Langenbach 4 Replies
How to import Sirona scan into Sidexis?
By: Jason Dew 1 Reply
Implant cement used for emax abutment and emax crowns
By: Mark Olson 5 Replies
EV 4.5 and dxd from Atlantis
By: Dave Rossen 4 Replies
EV 5.4
By: Dave Rossen 9 Replies
ICAT - surgical guide
By: Mark Gray 2 Replies
restoring Biomet 3i
By: Willy Bouton 5 Replies
Firing protocols for screw-retained Emax
By: Stephen Sawyer 8 Replies
How to virtually remove tooth
By: Paul Mikhli 5 Replies
Printing first guide... problems with printability
By: Josh Fowler 12 Replies
28 years later and still going strong!
By: Randall Montgomery 6 Replies
Cone Beam Computer Setup
By: Alex Moheban 9 Replies
Galileos: Third Party CBCT Scans and 3D printing
By: Neil Pande 5 Replies
Sending scans digitally to specialists
By: Jonathan Eagle 6 Replies
Suggestions on Implant Case
By: Greg Lambert 4 Replies
implant next to failing incisor.
By: Juergen Langenbach 11 Replies
Implant removal at 400N/Cm Torque
By: Farhad Boltchi, D.M.D. 20 Replies
What's going on in these images - diagnosis.
By: Thomas Kauffman 15 Replies
Nobel Active 5.5 diameter
By: Nirvana Schuyler 3 Replies
Zirconia abutement
By: Cédric Micheli 1 Reply
correct TiBase or not?
By: Robert Lantzy 4 Replies
NB Active 2.0 twist drill and sirona keys
By: Andrew Couch 3 Replies
Are CEREC Guide 2 and Nobel Replace Conical Connection Tapered compatible?
By: Mara Woodard
Precision with CG2
By: Dan Butterman 22 Replies
Nobel Active 5.5x10mm
By: Carl Schneider 3 Replies
By: Gordon Lewis 1 Reply
printed CG2
By: Kirsten Andrews 17 Replies
Set up for Straumann 4.8 WN variobase
By: Stanley Waddell 4 Replies
best cement for ziconium crown onto TiBase
By: Robert Lantzy 2 Replies
Astra EV 5.4
By: Dave Rossen 9 Replies
implant crown
By: Sahar Hamzeh 2 Replies
I Blame This on Emil Verban. It is all his fault . . .
By: Matthew Bauer 5 Replies
cerec ortho scan for surgical guide
By: Beth Skovron 1 Reply
3D printing surgical guides
By: Stephen Sawyer 2 Replies
Trying to plan for tissue around implant
By: Will Jones 4 Replies
please critique implant crown design
By: Sahar Hamzeh