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Created Title
cerec scan posts and abutments for straumann blx 4.0
By: Scott McFarlane
Seating implant supported crowns with implants that are not parallel
By: Greg Secora 3 Replies
How Do You Prime Print a Surgical Guide on an edentulous Arch.
By: Joseph Rota 6 Replies
Where is the "Restoration Axis" Option?
By: Brody Goodwine 8 Replies
straumann 3.3 NC Variobase compatibility
By: Andrew Beshay 5 Replies
implant planning help
By: Frank Wright 12 Replies
Astra EV 5.4mm implant TiBase restoration, whitepaper says not available as of 2018.
By: Christopher Kollath 2 Replies
Help with Sleeve Position Rapid Digital Guide
By: Michael Saade 5 Replies
Can we make a screw retained crown from a truabutment custom abutment
By: Anissa Singratanakul 3 Replies
Reconstruction of a Severe Esthetic Zone Horizontal Defect
By: Farhad Boltchi, D.M.D. 5 Replies
Splinting implant crowns together
By: Alissa Hanson 2 Replies
Can this implant be saved?
By: Frank Wright 9 Replies
Astra Vs Straumann
By: Mojgan Mehranfard 6 Replies
Neodent implant provisional
By: Jennifer Wynn 1 Reply
Socket Grafting for Implant-Supported Fixed Partial Denture
By: Farhad Boltchi, D.M.D.
Astra EV 3.0 Guided Implant Placement
By: Farhad Boltchi, D.M.D. 21 Replies
Which videos are best basic for implant planning on CBCT
By: Dave Rossen 3 Replies
Customer Number and SIDEXIS Implant Version
By: Zack Paukert
Straumann BLX Imlant System
By: Janice Pilon 15 Replies
Neodent Implant Restoration
By: Joshua Conway 1 Reply
PRF and IV-Sedation Venous Access
By: Farhad Boltchi, D.M.D. 13 Replies
Astra and Primetaper
By: Zack Paukert 3 Replies
Immediate or two stage?
By: David Stangl 5 Replies
Noble surgical guides on Primeprint
By: Brian Sneath 4 Replies
Tracking IMplants and bone graft
By: Zack Paukert 1 Reply
Distal Seat for CEREC Guide 3
By: Dado Paul Kim 4 Replies
Can I Restore with Cerec? Nobel Active WP 5.5
By: Steffen Lassen 4 Replies
Volume orientation line missing
By: Lisa Christy 5 Replies
Achieving the Correct Gingival Margin Position on Implant Restorations - Part 2
By: Farhad Boltchi, D.M.D. 4 Replies
Achieving the Correct Gingival Margin Position on Implant Restorations - Part 1
By: Farhad Boltchi, D.M.D. 5 Replies
zirconia implants
By: David Hansen 7 Replies
Prime Print Guide help
By: Joshua Conway 3 Replies
Remote Galileos Implant Software
By: Zack Paukert 5 Replies
Unknown Implant ID
By: Farhad Boltchi, D.M.D. 8 Replies
Planning and Printing Surgical Guide for DS PrimeTaper Implant
By: Dado Paul Kim 2 Replies
How do I add Prime Taper Guided Surgery Sleeve to Sidexis 4
By: Michael Whyte 3 Replies
TruAbutment Part Ordering Confusion
By: Brian Rich 3 Replies
Anterior Mandibular Implant Therapy, Part 2
By: Farhad Boltchi, D.M.D. 12 Replies
Question about implant restoration
By: Selma Yucedal 3 Replies
Injectable Prolia and extraction
By: David Sorensen 2 Replies
Planning straumann surgical guide
By: Tracy LaCanne 9 Replies
Anterior Mandibular Implant Therapy, Part 1
By: Farhad Boltchi, D.M.D. 5 Replies
First time scanning Tru Abutments
By: Kyle Shull 2 Replies
Primeprint offset setting for digiguide/rapidguide
By: Bernhard Bringewald 14 Replies
Work flow using Primescan, Sicat, and denture
By: William Bateman 3 Replies
Dual Scan SICAT Implant
By: Julie Phillips 1 Reply
2 types of scan posts, 2 different heights??
By: Darren Dickson 7 Replies
Help with ordering correct Nobel TiBase
By: John McQuillen 3 Replies
Implant Supported Over Denture
By: Caitlyn Lorenzo 4 Replies
When do you take a new CBCT for implant planning?
By: Michael Sycamore 9 Replies