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Cone Beam and Implants Post a New Topic

Post inquiries or share feedback on Cone Beam technology, the practice of implants and related technology here.

Created Title
missing scanbody after acquisition
By: Chad Stewart 11 Replies
#14 socket graft -- should this be reopened ?
By: Thomas Lunstrum 13 Replies
Hiossen Ti base
By: Paul Helsby 5 Replies
3.0 mm astra tibase
By: Franco Cordini 6 Replies
Code for Composite in Access Opneing
By: Joseph Magotch 6 Replies
A New Rising Risk Factor in early Implant failure
By: Faisal Aldujaili
XG3D question
By: Melissa Meier 4 Replies
Implant in another doc's graft?
By: Baron Grutter 17 Replies
I love Straumann. Who is going to use Blue Sky Bio
By: Kent Mosby 16 Replies
Guided 3 P's
By: Karl Schneck 15 Replies
Galileos quick question
By: Mike McKinley 9 Replies
Implant placement not deep enough?
By: Trent Redfearn 4 Replies
Removing Ti-base from the implant
By: Charles Branen 11 Replies
Tibase screw losening
By: Steven Wan 9 Replies
What galileos would you get
By: Sandra Cove 29 Replies
Implant size
By: Tres Hoffer 15 Replies
Natural Tooth vs. Implant
By: Farhad Boltchi, D.M.D. 9 Replies
Contains Video Sirona, I plead with you.
By: Ross Enfinger 15 Replies
Is correct Scan Post diameter important?
By: Tim Leong 8 Replies
Astra EV tibase?
By: Joshua Merrill 3 Replies
Milled Emax MO 16 blocks into the metal hub
By: Ross Rubino 3 Replies
How to restore an angled implant.
By: Anthony Leite 4 Replies
How to order replacement screw for Straumann Ti base.
By: Ryan Pitman 1 Reply
#5 immediate placement 8 weeks post op
By: Brian Saltzman 5 Replies
Need some identification assistance . . .
By: Matthew Bauer 6 Replies
Recommendations on Crestal Approach Sinus Lift Kit
By: James Maholick 8 Replies
Why Straumann?
By: Farhad Boltchi, D.M.D. 21 Replies
Straumann Keyless Guided Surgery
By: Farhad Boltchi, D.M.D. 11 Replies
First Guided Case!
By: Anthony Ponzio 16 Replies
Funky implant proposals
By: David Bender 3 Replies
In the interest of minimizing processing time...
By: Baron Grutter 7 Replies
Implant Denture Keeps Coming Loose
By: Baron Grutter 4 Replies
Tibase with Buccal bite
By: Ike Heaphy 6 Replies
Contains Video To Much Rotation Allowed Between Scanbody and Tibase
By: Jim Lundstrom 12 Replies
tibase compatibility?
By: John Pappas 2 Replies
Galileos Implant update
By: Adam Langan 2 Replies
Walk in - free handed implant
By: Anthony Kraft 12 Replies
Contains Video Interesting incidental findings - How quickly can you figure this one out?
By: Thomas Kauffman 1 Reply
By: Thomas Kauffman 6 Replies
Loosey Goosey Nobel Active abutment
By: Mark Kleive 8 Replies
Is bone compression necrosis a unicorn
By: Dan Butterman 5 Replies
SynOss™ Synthetic Mineral Bone Graft Material or Park Dental StarGraft Putty
By: Loyd Dowd 4 Replies
NobelReplace CC TiBase Availability
By: Chi-Fan Tai 3 Replies
Galileos viewer not opening elsewhere
By: Stephen Lawrence 3 Replies
Tell me what you think...
By: Anthony Kraft 5 Replies
Who's going to Level 6 this weekend?
By: Sandra Calleros DDS 7 Replies
Keystone Implants and Ti Base
By: Helen Cogan 7 Replies
pain from implants
By: John Adams 11 Replies
Extraction+implant+Bone Graft bundle?
By: Marie Moeckel 1 Reply
Telio CAD Abutment Solutions?
By: Ryan Bates 3 Replies