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Announcements and news from the team at CDOCS.

Created Title
Sooner or later my luck will run out
By: Charles Lo Giudice 1 Reply
Best weekend live patient course ever!
By: Jamie Cameron 8 Replies
Please HELP! My FINISHER 10 bur craps out after 2 zirconia mills
By: Jake Skowronski 5 Replies
CEREC is Open
By: Roddy MacLeod 87 Replies
Chairside 4.4.4
By: Keith Henderson 2 Replies
Moving position of crown inside the block - possible?
By: Bill Panneck 3 Replies
Anyone heard of aesthetica implant system?
By: Nassim Missaghian
Alright. Doing our first CEREC tomorrow morning. Zirconia #2, 66 yo m.
By: Jake Skowronski 23 Replies
Pulled trigger on Spear Practice Solutions and Why
By: Gene Messenger 24 Replies
level 2 course
By: Mark Jerman 6 Replies
Installed new software. Premium, Premium Cam?
By: Jake Skowronski 1 Reply
BioCopy Will Not Stitch (I cant believe it!!)
By: Bill Panneck 2 Replies
Academy Continuum (Curriculum Series) - Biologic Modifiers - Platelet-rich Fibrin
By: Mark Fleming
Hey, I Can't Log Onto the App
By: Mark Fleming 6 Replies
VERY narrow maxillary ridge!
By: Hooman Samani 9 Replies
CEREC delivery in the a.m. Do I need to "kick the tires" so to speak?
By: Jake Skowronski 20 Replies
Dentsply Sirona World VIP Registration Ends TODAY!!!!
By: Mark Fleming 4 Replies
Mobil login
By: Zahir Khokhar 2 Replies
Has anyone tried this?
By: Charles Lo Giudice 1 Reply
Dentsply Reward Points
By: Gregory Mark
Saturday Dinner Plans
By: Russell Bortnem Jr.
Hello, Noob checking in.
By: Jake Skowronski 34 Replies
Academy Continuum (Curriculum Series) - 3D Printing for Surgical Guide Fabrication - CEREC Guide 2
By: Mark Fleming 8 Replies
Test on GC Glaze Applied on Cerasmart Block
By: Gregory Mark
Spear Practice Services - Holy cow!
By: Bob Conte 43 Replies
Have you noticed some updates to our branding recently?
By: Mary Bogdanov 3 Replies
General Session at Dentsply Sirona World
By: Mark Fleming 27 Replies
Soft tissue laser?
By: Zahir Khokhar 6 Replies
Fuse Cloud Base Patterson Software
By: Gregory Mark 2 Replies
is cerec now an open file system?
By: Jennifer Matthews 2 Replies
please help - pt in chair.
By: Alison Cadaret 8 Replies
Mentor Strong-Lunch with Eric Prouty
By: Steven Ozer 15 Replies
The login screen is getting a makeover!
By: Mary Bogdanov 3 Replies
Cerec: the universal language Blog Post
By: Peter Gardell 10 Replies
The Official IDS Trip Thread- No Pictures after 9:00 Allowed
By: Sameer Puri D.D.S. 100 Replies
By: Paolo Bellanti 10 Replies
digital sensors
By: Steven Mitchell 3 Replies
Move folder to a new case?
By: Bill Panneck 5 Replies
Ortho Software by BSB
By: Gregory Mark 1 Reply
Anyone in Seattle who does immediate Implant placement
By: Abraham K. John 3 Replies
Rosetta by Blue Sky Bio
By: Pete Stover DDS 21 Replies
Emax André speedfire
By: Janie Desfossés 1 Reply
Academy Continuum (Curriculum Series) - Fixed Immediate Full Arch Reconstruction, Part III
By: Mark Fleming 1 Reply
I got a letter from my county to serve a jury duty.
By: Joseph Kim 26 Replies
Need suggestions on an Air Abrassion unit.
By: Greg Heideman 13 Replies
Isn't webinar supposed to be on now?
By: Nassim Missaghian 3 Replies
Contains Video Shade taking with Omnicam with SW V4.5
By: Mike Skramstad 15 Replies
By: Daniel Vasquez 1 Reply
Two Crowns milled with one block
By: Christopher Cappetta 4 Replies
Astra OsseoSpeed
By: Keith Henderson 4 Replies