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Created Title
Dental PBRN's
By: Peter Ruff 10 Replies
How to get assess to old cdt files?
By: Jason Eaglin 3 Replies
11 /30 webinar
By: Leonard Packtor 4 Replies
Anterior prep
By: stuart schwartz 5 Replies
How do I get to old videos?
By: stuart schwartz 1 Reply
Sarmen Technique in 4.0
By: Mike Skramstad 25 Replies
Thanks Dr. Chuck!
By: Paula Kral 5 Replies
webcam training
By: Steve Nielsen 37 Replies
4.0 in Charlotte
By: Ray Kessler 4 Replies
File manipulation on OSX
By: Peter Ruff 2 Replies
By: Jason Eaglin 6 Replies
What would you buy/suggest---MCXL w/ 2 motors or 4 motors
By: Jeff Johnson 12 Replies
Learned a new tidbit
By: Steve Nielsen 4 Replies
Adhesives for MZ100 Paradigm restorations
By: Michael Bailey 18 Replies
Recent findings about Lava Ultimate
By: Greg Keene 13 Replies
Cool 4.0 case
By: Jeff Johnston 10 Replies
new 3M Lava Ultimate block
By: Christian Fehling 21 Replies
Merging Quadrants
By: Yvon Belliveau 4 Replies
used inlab mcxl value
By: Bob Dawe 12 Replies
Inconsistant sound
By: stuart schwartz 2 Replies
CEREC Study Club Idea
By: Jesse Kosnitzky 10 Replies
biocopy stitching using models
By: Sandra Calleros DDS 2 Replies
Lower anteriors
By: Chethan Chetty 9 Replies
Trouble viewing rst files
By: Peter Ruff 3 Replies
Cerec AC Unit will not turn on?
By: Mark Westphal 8 Replies
Cerec is cool. maybe should post this on DT instead...
By: michael scoles 4 Replies
Requirements for 4.0 upgrade for red cam?
By: B. Keith Blankenship 1 Reply
Bio copy can't move from imaging screen
By: John Pappas 8 Replies
Sameer Lecture
By: John Adams 5 Replies
Wish I had a patient like this in the schedule every day!
By: michael scoles 29 Replies
4.01 Shortcuts??
By: Michael Moroni 2 Replies
By: Sandra Calleros DDS 13 Replies
By: Sandra Calleros DDS 1 Reply
Cerec 4.01 Proposals
By: Michael Moroni 12 Replies
Post op sensitivty/ pulpitis
By: Chethan Chetty 10 Replies
Extraoral picture recommendations
By: Gary Farren 7 Replies
Halloween, A Day Late
By: Steve Nielsen 2 Replies
Vita setting on ivoclar oven
By: Jason Eaglin 6 Replies
NX3 shortage?
By: Ben Jump 2 Replies
Before I Die, I want to Hear Dr.
By: Sameer Puri D.D.S. 11 Replies
Too Short
By: Francesca Martin 4 Replies
Which is the cerec discussions
By: Jeff Johnston
pc power and 4.0
By: Paolo Bellanti 1 Reply
Apex Materials Protocol Revision
By: Peter Ruff 2 Replies
Future dentists jk
By: Greg Keene
Happy Halloween
By: Bob Conte 6 Replies
Ideas for Video Section
By: B. Keith Blankenship 4 Replies
Screw Retained Implant Crowns
By: Jim Finney 22 Replies
Cerec connect lab in southeast
By: Dr. Michael Garver 2 Replies
After the implants are in?
By: Reynolds Fischbach 1 Reply