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Created Title
1 year follow-up on anterior case
By: Andrew Hall 2 Replies
Sometimes you get the Bear, sometimes he gets you!
By: Doug Smail, D.D.S. 4 Replies
Penetration found in restoration
By: Tim Vanitvelt 2 Replies
Help Designing Anterior Case
By: Marti Levinson 5 Replies
„I got hit“...
By: Armin Giessmann 15 Replies
Yesterday was a very bad day
By: Charles Lo Giudice 6 Replies
help with maryland bridge
By: Ala Barakat 1 Reply
I want some feedback on some out of the box thinking
By: Charles Lo Giudice 4 Replies
Single Central - "Azento" style
By: Andrew Hall 12 Replies
Edentulous scans
By: Mike Skramstad 31 Replies
Probably more lucky than good
By: Charles Lo Giudice 4 Replies
Happy Halloween! Case of the Day!
By: Aleksandra Morel 3 Replies
Trying Suprinity
By: Charles Lo Giudice
Not CEREC related but I thought I would share a little bit of my world
By: Charles Lo Giudice 3 Replies
Veneers on 8 and 9 Vita
By: Mike Skramstad 12 Replies
Primescan and SureSmile
By: Anthony Ponzio 8 Replies
Problems fabricating front teeth Celtra Duo crowns
By: Catherine Yeh 11 Replies
Dental crown I off base here?
By: Ernie Johnson 39 Replies
This one about did me in this morning
By: Charles Lo Giudice 15 Replies
Ortho treatment simulator and OraCheck software
By: David Shapiro 1 Reply
Proper preps are as good as a blank canvas
By: Weston Hatcher 5 Replies
Don't know if I should post this or not
By: Charles Lo Giudice 6 Replies
Where is my scale tool? 4.6
By: John Dooley 4 Replies
Katana Bridge Block!
By: Mike Skramstad 2 Replies
sample implant case
By: Mclean Severson 3 Replies
A little outside the box thinking
By: Charles Lo Giudice 8 Replies
Anterior veneer case help
By: Frank Neves 2 Replies
Friend from high school- advice would be appreciated!
By: Kate Limardi 19 Replies
A Katana crown on #10
By: Charles Lo Giudice 8 Replies
Full Anterior Case
By: April Robinson 8 Replies
Help with Leaf Guage in Chairside
By: Dave Frank 4 Replies
3 year followup
By: Charles Lo Giudice 11 Replies
"I'm beautiful!" Blog Post
By: Steven Hernandez 22 Replies
e.max MT vs Katana STML
By: Mike Skramstad 16 Replies
Anterior case with single implant
By: Grace Rudersdorf 1 Reply
Some out of the box thinking from an old geezer
By: Charles Lo Giudice 14 Replies
Emax Post Op Sensitivity
By: Rodney Meyer 5 Replies
A clinical Judgment question for everyone
By: Charles Lo Giudice 13 Replies
Another Azento Blog Post
By: Michael Snider 20 Replies
Final Cut Pro- soft core
By: Dave Frank 3 Replies
Slow day, but this helped a little bit
By: Charles Lo Giudice 15 Replies
Some In house anterior work! Blog Post
By: Javier Andrade 4 Replies
Quick Virtual Diagnostic Wax-ups!
By: Weston Hatcher 4 Replies
I am proud of what has been done for this patient
By: Charles Lo Giudice 4 Replies
Pink stain at the gingival
By: Weston Hatcher 5 Replies
Lower Central Incisor
By: Mike Skramstad 9 Replies
Please close my gap Blog Post
By: Michael Fernandez 6 Replies
Creating natural anatomy with the form tool
By: Weston Hatcher 12 Replies
By: Ray Kessler 4 Replies
This case will destroy my reputation as a cosmetic dentist
By: Charles Lo Giudice 12 Replies