CEREC Software - Designating ScanPost vs. TiBase

One of the more common errors when doing implant abutments in the CEREC Chairside Software 4.2 or 4.3 is designating the wrong type of scanning component. When they are incorrectly designated you will get a miss fitting restoration.  

When you call a TiBase a ScanPost, which is probably the most common, you get an implant that is placed to deep compared to where it actually lies. 



This leads to a restoration that when designed to this occlusal plane will be sticking up higher than it should be. Watch for this deep penetrating implant when designing. If it looks deeper than it should then be sure to check if you called it a ScanPost or a TiBase.

The reverse also happens when a ScanPost is placed but it gets designated as a TiBase. When this happens you get the TiBase sticking up over the tissue.



This leads to a restoration that when milled and placed will be far below the designed occlusal plane. Watch for these two unusual looking implant placements to prevent milling out a restoration that could lead to frustration for you and your patient.