Incisal Variation and Sprue Position

Anterior restorations with CEREC Chairside SW 4.2 have become considerably easier to add character. With the addition of the Incisal Variation Tool we can now add texture to our ceramics virtually with the software saving much time on the lab bench. We no longer need to physically add mamelons and perikymata (imbrication lines) by grinding on our ceramics after the milling process.

For multiple teeth the process is just as simple. Link all teeth.



Group symmetrically and add the desired amount of effect with the Incisal Variation tool.



With just a few clicks you will now have texture on the facial surfaces of your restorations.

All of this wonderful work will be negated, however, if you have your sprue positioned on the facial of the restoration in the Mill Preview step.



You will be forced to grind away any characterizations as you remove the sprue.



This may seem obvious, but remember to position your sprue on the lingual when designing your anterior restorations.