Creating a Tibase Replicate in the Galaxis Software

Currently there is no TiBase abutment option in the Galaxis software. The best that is in there is a generic abutment. This generic abutment does have parameters that can be changed to allow for a close replica to be created in the software. The screen shot below shows the parameters necessary for the replica.



These parameters are then saved and anytime you place a generic abutment it will be the TiBase replica.



Now this is not an exact replica of the TiBase. The over all height and width is correct but the level of the restorative base is not correct. For most implant systems the restorative collar or base is 1mm over the implant. In the replica shown here the restorative collar is at the top of the implant. It should be where the arrow is pointing. The cone shape that is shown should be inverted to make a more accurate representation of what the TiBase should look like. 



This replica does however give the best visual we can get currently with the current Galaxis software.