Leveling Marginal Ridge Heights in CEREC Software

One of the more frequent questions asked about the design of a CEREC restoration is “What is the most efficient and easy way to level a marginal ridge height when it is proposed either low or high?”.  



One way I have found is to use the Anatomic 4 Direction Tool in the shape section of our tool options. This is done by tucking the cursor directly into the interproximal space, and while holding the left cursor button down, moving the ridge either up or down depending on desired result.



 The nice thing about the Anatomical Tool is that no distortion will occur to the design (as sometimes happens in the circular function when the correct amount of tooth is not affected).


does anyone know when the computer will be updated to fix this problem on its own like the older version would do?

Great tip.

I prefer to lower transparency of the arch to about 50% and then use the circular tool through the neighboring tooth... that way, I can control the slope of the height adjustment a little better.

Either way is a whole lot better usually than using add or shape tools on the occlusal...

Use the same tool for one sided marginal ridge discrepencies.  If both are off, and in opposite directions, the rotate, or shift model axis... and James, this was occasionally an issue in every version I remember, and why the use of that tool as Dave is showing predates the current version.
