In CEREC Software, Designate Properly!!

As most of us know, the big buzz is these e.max abutment blocks. So far, they seem to be living up to the hype for sure! I just wanted to pass on a tidbit when you are designing these full contour screw retained crowns so you don’t do what I’m about to show you. 

This was a quadrant case where I was designing and fabricating crowns on implants #13 and #14.  The space was limited, so I did them both as pre molars to make the size appear normal rather than a squished molar on #14. That is not the tidbit though.  This tidbit is this, MAKE SURE YOU DESIGNATE PROPERLY WHETHER YOU USE A TIBASE OR SCAN POST TO IMAGE!!!! I did this case off of a model.  I was using a TiBase rather than a Scan Post.  That is fine to do, but in the Administration Phase, I forgot to tell the software that I was using the TiBase. 



Well I did the design and went to mill and got a restoration that looked like this.



It was insanely high and I was just so focused during the design that I didn’t pay it any attention. A costly mistake but one I will not make again. I wanted to pass this on to those that read the blog to let them learn from my mistake. It is easy to forget this and it very frustrating when you do. Make sure to designate properly!!

Is it possible to use a bridge block and make these connected?

I don't think that is possible with the chairside software. Not sure about inlab because I don't use it, but more likely there

In lab allows for this type of restoration as long as the implants are close enough in angulation