CEREC "Administration Step" Is Like Clockwork

Tip from Mentor Ernie Johnson


When entering a CEREC case for the first time in the 4.x software, we've often used the reminder, "Work right to left."  Let's reconsider that and say, "Work counter-clockwise."  Pick single or bridge, pick your restoration, pick your design mode, pick your tooth or teeth, and then pick your material.  That workflow is counterclockwise.



When editing a restoration, you have to work in reverse.  Start at the bottom and click "Edit Restoration" to begin, and then click the tooth you wish to edit.  Change the design mode or type of restoration, and finish at the bottom by saying "OK" to the changes you have made.  Now you are working clockwise.



If you just remember that simple motto that "Administration is like clockwork," you'll have an easier time next time you have to work in the Administration screen.