As we wrap up this 13th year of the 21st millennium, I wanted to take a moment and reflect on some thoughts regarding the world of CAD CAM dentistry. The technology has grown so robust, that what used to be a fringe product is now mainstream. What used to be a laughing stock amongst “real dentists” (I say that only half joking because I used to be one of the biggest detractors of the technology in the past) is now a legitimate piece of technology that has the potential to provide extraordinary care for patients.

Of-course I'm taking about the CEREC system. Considering there are now close to 15,000 CEREC users in the US alone, this validates that the technology is here to stay and frankly is not going anywhere. I know many dentists don’t want to be the first on the block with anything but you also don’t want to be the last on the block. If you haven’t looked at the CEREC technology recently, that's exactly where you may end up, last on the block as its not a technology of the future anymore. It's the technology for today.   Now if you are reading this blog, chances are that I'm preaching to the choir. We have many passionate and caring individuals in the CEREC community here on I’ve been blessed to have had so many clinicians attend our CEREC workshops here in Scottsdale. It's great as an educator to see the light bulbs go off in the individuals eyes as they learn the concepts of the technology. So yes, you all get it. You all understand what the power of technology can do to a practice and to an individual, whether that individual is a clinician or patient.   My heartfelt desire is that you all continue the passion and provide the best possible care for your patients long after your visit to Scottsdale for one of the workshops. In short, I hope you stay ENGAGED. Being engaged is by far the best things you can do for not only yourself, but also your patents. You can stay engaged by watching videos here on the site. Over 1000 videos now allow users to stay on top of all things CEREC. Virtually every single day a new video by one of our many talented contributors is uploaded on   So you say you are engaged on the message boards. Why not take it to the next level and join us for the Scientific Symposium in Las Vegas next year? Not only will there be some great speakers, but we will also have a chance to interact and perhaps share a drink at cocktail hour. We are going to be at capacity at the Aria hotel and casino. The weather will be great and I know you will have a fantastic time.   The speakers list is already posted on We will be adding and updating the program. It will be the biggest CEREC event in 2014!  We hope to see you in Las Vegas and I hope you ENGAGE!