Raise Your Game - Change Your Point of View

The tools in CEREC software 4.2.3 are very powerful. Quick efficient adjustments of your proposals are possible. What you see is what you get. The tools works great for the areas you can see.

You can also expand your view. There are options in the software that can accomplish this.

One way is turning off the Model Box. Doing this will remove the model base leaving just a shell of the virtual model. This will be helpful in many of the phases in the CEREC design process. It is a great aid for those cases where the margin is sub gingival. I also find it great to determine the strength of a contact but even more important the location. In the Mill Phase it is helpful as a Virtual Fit Checker.

When you turn the model semi transparent, the tools can be activated on the proposal through the surface of the model. This is very helpful when fine tuning the marginal ridges, occlusal contacts and emergence profile.



These points are demonstrated in the video titled MODEL BOX in the Digital Learning section of

What you see is what you get—Change the display options to see more and get more power out of the design tools in the CEREC software!