CEREC Doctors Utilizing Plumber's Tape and Abutments

The need to retrieve an implant abutment once the restoration is seated is a rarity, but many dentists sleep better knowing that they have the ability to do so. For both screw-retained and cementable implant supported crowns, we need to fill in the access hole. This is usually done with composite resin over a non-bonded material to seal and allow access to the head of the retention screw. For years the standard protocol was a cotton pellet over the screw and composite. Any dentist that has had the pleasure of retrieving an abutment will tell you that a cotton pellet used will not be a pretty sight (or smell) after many years of service.

The ideal material is inert, stands up to minor corrosion, is retrievable and doesn’t bond to the hex of the screw head. Good old Teflon plumber’s tape is ideally suited for this task. The material is inexpensive and is a very easy to manipulate and burnish. It won’t corrode and it is very easy to remove if needed. I prefer hot pink as I can easily see the pellet in the deep dark recesses of the mouth. Give it a try.



This is a terrific idea. It's cheap and one roll lasts a long time.

Could you post the entire Name for non US- readers, I only know of white tape over here in Germany... Thanks!

why pink?

I prefer white because it acts like an opaquer under the composite plug and avoids the gray shadow (or pink in this case) that can reflect through.