Happy Thanksgiving

As we enter this holiday season, I wanted to take a bit of time to wish everyone a very safe and happy weekend.  Now my sincere hope is that you all have had an incredible year this past year.  I know that we at are grateful for the community that has been created around this wonderful technology.  More and more people are discovering the benefits of CAD CAM which is a great thing.  

  Here in Scottsdale, we are getting ready for what promises to be a wonderful 2014.  But before we talk about 2014, I wanted to take an opportunity to reflect on the past 11 months of 2013.  It's been busy but its also been a great year for and the CEREC community.   2013 saw the growth of the Accept program.  I'm proud that this program was implemented so that clinicians can finally test drive the CEREC technology prior to buying the system.  Many clinicians have joined the CEREC family as they had the opportunity to spend two days with CEREC leaders and learn to use the CEREC system and essentially go through a modified Basic Training program to enhance their knowledge about CEREC.  If you know a friend who might be interested in the CEREC system but wants more than just a hands on demo, please visit for more information.   2013 also saw the launch of our app which is downloadable from the Apple iTunes store.  The app has been extremely popular and has been downloaded thousands of times by CEREC owners from all over the world.  2014 we are planning an Android version of the app but for the time being, I hope that Apple users can use this tool for their benefit for easy surfing and navigating the website videos and discussion forums.   2013 also saw the evolution of our new membership tier-the Academy.  Our Mentor group was extremely popular.  So popular in fact that we have a waiting list of many doctors that want to join.  Our goal of the Academy is to give clinicians who want to do more than just watch the videos and participate in the discussion site an opportunity to engage even more.  Academy members will have access to patient education videos, full access for themselves and their team to the website along with the ability to attend the next CEREC symposium in Las Vegas next October. You can visit for more information.   December will be over before you know it and then 2014 will arrive.  Most importantly as we head into this holiday weekend, those of you that are traveling, travel safe.  Those of you staying at home, enjoy the time off and recharge your batteries for that last push into the holiday season.   We wish you all a very happy and joyous holiday season.