CEREC Training with Pays Off!!!!!!

From a doctor who just last weekend came out to Scottsdale for a course!

Didn't really mean for timing of this particular case to come two days after coming back from Scottsdale... but it was greatness.

#18, 19, 20 all individual pfm's/gold crowns. Marginal decay. Patient wanted them all replaced at the same time. Your wish is my command.

The really cool part was making use of one of the exercises we did during Level 3. May be simple to a lot of you guys, but for me it was about trusting an aspect of the machine's accuracy... Biocopy. 

Originally planned on doing each as an individual copy and then move forward, but started with 18 and 20 together because I knew I needed to get up from the patient for about 30 minutes in the middle and wanted to give my assistant plenty to do while I was gone. Exported the rstimg file and opened it up. Was able to come back and quickly prep 19 while the first two were crystalizing. Had a great image of the interproximal contacts of 19 in advance. My assistant copied it as well and milled while I got up to do something else. I came back and tried in 18 and 20 fully glazed with my 19 blue phase. Marginal fit and interproximal contacts were FLAWLESS. I was sure I would need to adjust the contacts... or even remill. It was a spectacular moment (hence why I feel the need to share).

Seated all three at the same time with a controlled cleanup. Minor adjustment to a cusp on 18 during lateral movements (probably should have been caught during it's blue phase)... and done.

I'm no wuss... but we did have four hours blocked off so that there was no hurried feelings. I think that the amount of time that we were actually doing work was 2.5 hours. Didn't time it. 

I would have changed my flow a bit... perhaps... to doing 19 by itself first and making imaging on the contacts easier for this pt with a very limited opening... and difficult to get the distal of 19 contact imaged.

Anyhow... hope that makes some sense. But the real message has to be... if you want your mind blown by what new things are possible or on the horizon... get out to Scottsdale and experience the course that fits your next level. Sam, Mike, and Mark are undoubtedly great clinicians. But they are equally exceptional at conveying advanced topics to a group with huge ranges in experience level. A big thanks to Ernie Johnson and Michael Bailey for donating their time AGAIN to help guys like me. Also had the chance to thank Steve Nielsen for his extensive online instruction and for saving several of my cases.

And no... I am not on payroll... heh

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