CEREC Omnicam Warning Message

If you look at the image below, you will see a warning that comes up when you try to save your Omnicam case in the middle of your design.  Let's say you take a bunch of images and you hit save, just to be on the safe side, all of a sudden you get this warning.

  Its important to note that as long as you do not actually close the CEREC program, none of the acquisition data will be lost as it states in the warning. In other words, the warning is misleading.   The reason this comes up is that when we do close a file, the software deletes all of the acquisition data so that the CEREC  files don't take up a bunch of space on the hard drive of the machine.  Essentially, all of the images we take with the Omnicam take up hundreds of megabytes of space. When you close the program, the software deletes unnecessary data, so that you don't fill up your hard drive too quickly.  It only saves the virtual model which means if you are to open the case up again in the future, you can still design your restoration and mill a new one if you want, you just can't add any additional information to the models.   So if you close your program, this warning comes up and essentially tells you that if you want to get back into the case to add images at a later date, save the .RSTIMG file.  You can learn more about .RSTIMG files by watching this video HERE   But as I stated, if you are not closing the program and just saving while designing, this warning will come up and you should just ignore it.  All of your acquisition data will still be available if you need to add or modify your images in the acquisition phase.  

Thank you for that Sam. That is almost priceless information.