Chairside SW 4.0 and Sirona Connect - A One Way Street

To date, the relationship between the CEREC Chairside software and the Sirona Connect software is a one-way street. In the process of planning out a restorative case, the dentist needs to decide in advance if they will be milling their case in-office or sending the case out to their favorite dental lab for fabrication.  The appropriate software to use and the proper workflow needs to be selected in advance.

A very common scenario is as follows. The dentist will open the Chairside SW in anticipation of completing the case for the patient in a single visit. After preparation, imaging and design, the decision is made that the case is beyond the skill set of the dentist to complete as in a highly esthetic situation. Or, just as commonly, the materials needed for the particular case are not available to the dentists and the lab is needed as in a situation with little occlusal clearance.  Now what?

If you are in Chairside and you now want to send via Sirona Connect, you are out of luck. Dead end. You’ll need to re-image in the Connect software take the steps needed to send to your lab. There is no way to use the images taken in Chairside.

It is possible, however, to move your images in the opposite direction from Connect to Chairside. If there is any doubt in your mind that you may need to use the lab, image in Connect. If you choose to take on the case, just save and export to the desktop as a .DXD file. Open the Chairside software and import the case and proceed to design and mill as usual.

There may be a day when we will be able to image, design and then decide which way to go with our cases. For now, if there is any doubt in your mind, image in Connect and you’ll have more options and flexibility.