Taking the Jump to OMNICAM

An aluminum cylinder with 4 controlled blast furnaces comes to life. Hurtling down a concrete path faster and faster, looking like a disaster in the making. The commander does not hesitate, he moves forward trusting in the technology he controls. Then the cylinder changes form being a burden on the tarmac to a weightless object defying gravity. I have seen it a hundred times and am still amazed whenever I see it. It doesn’t seem like it should work but it does, a cargo jet to Hong Kong is off to the other side of the globe

  Been a bunch of chatter about new CEREC advancements, many of the individuals who had signed contracts for upgrades to the Omnicam are now getting phone calls saying their systems are in and ready to be installed. Some have reservations, which is good since there are significant financial considerations involved. Some worry about having to push themselves out of their comfort zones. All important points that have to thought about.   As an original beta tester I find it insulting that people think that Sirona has brought this system to the market prematurely, it is not ready for prime time. John Glenn was a Beta tester, he was told it was safe to be shot into space, heck we sent a chimp into space and he was fine when he came back, well maybe fine in a chimp kind of way. Think of the first person to test a parachute, step out of a perfectly good plane and then open this big tent-like thing and you will float safely on to earth as long as nothing gets tangled. Talk about a leap of faith.  I have used the system for a good part of the year and my Bluecam is collecting dust. Most of the comments are from individuals who have not experienced it, they just are listening to the others. Many have given their honest feedback on their learning experience, at first because it is new some have hesitation, then acceptance and success. Look at the recent posts on success with inlays and onlays. Omni works, works really well, it is just different than what a veteran user is familiar  with.   For those jumping into the new technology you have to remember that the worlds best support system is there to help you with the transition, you are not taking a leap of faith and hoping a large tablecloth will slow your descent to the point of it might hurt but you will live. Trust in the technology, learn to push it to the limit, defy what you think is the gravity of your day-to-day procedures. Just when you think you do everything there is something new that will excite you to be in the office. There is a whole video library to educate you on and there are many individuals on the discussion boards to help you. There are great courses that are being evolved with the advancements in the technology.    Utilize it, trust it and advance!      

Good timing. I just the call I can upgrade after ordering in August. I have since gotten an XG/3D. I have always gotten the upgrades since I started CEREC in 2002. I am not deciding if I have the real cash flow to pay the $984 a month. I always have thought the upgrades were worth it but I need to come up with a real $984 (plus variable overhead). I have no issues with powdering and I see the potential of the Omnicam. So for all those who have used the Omnicam vs the Bluecam where to do you see the increase of production coming from within the 30 - 60 days until the first note payment?