CEREC State of Mind

I was on my way to the airport to go to IDS in Germany with, listening to the radio when “New York State of Mind,” by  Billy Joel came on the radio. Got me thinking about how I was about to leave on a trip that would keep me out of the office longer than any other trip I have taken. In the past this would terrify me, would the patients get mad and leave? Will the doctor that I had to cover for me make fun of my temps, make fun of my preps. All things that were minor but I allowed to eat away at me to the point of interfering with my relaxing during my time away.

Since I was in the Cerec State of Mind, I was leaving with a clear conscience, in the past I would plan my schedule to make sure no one would be in temporaries, didn’t want any to come loose while I was out of town, I worried about teeth acting up and people wanting to wait for me to come back in pain, not wanting to got to the endodontist on call. I would “ patch” teeth up and have them schedule for when I returned. So not only would my production be impacted by me being away but the production for the 2 weeks prior to the visit would be negatively impacted.

It turns out I can plan to have great production up to the minute the car service comes to pick me up at the office. I had some great Cerec filled days pre-planned and when patients came in for recalls or emergencies came in, it was great to get them to commit to treatment now - so the teeth would not act up while I am away.

So instead of 4 weeks of anemic performance for the office the Cerec state of mind helps with my mental and financial well being. Things are taken care of in a definitive manner and there are no loose ends that can unravel while I am away or need to be finished up at a later date. I know that my friends that I have gotten to know through that are covering for me will not be inconvenienced too much and if they get a call will take care of my patient’s the best way possible.

So I am on my way to the airport and already relaxing. I am looking forward to spending 2 weeks visiting Germany with about 80 of my best friends, all people I have gotten to know through Cerec, more specifically People from all over the globe who I have learned so much from.  We are off to IDS and then visiting with some of the companies that make my dentistry better for my patients and for me.

Looking forward to the education and good times ahead for the next 2 weeks, will share the wow of IDS on the boards and the new info from Sirona, Ivoclar, Vita, 3M ESPE that will undoubtably be exciting.

Auf Wiedersehen!