CEREC Omnicam and 43%

We know all the claims of Omnicam vs Bluecam. Full color video streaming, no powder, all fantastic advances,  and 43% smaller size of the camera. For a person who never had much issue with the size of the Bluecam I quickly brushed this off.

  But I was wrong.    

Just as those who have not used Cerec don’t know the power of 1 visit dentistry, just as those patients who have not been treated with Cerec don’t know the convenience, I didn’t realize the advantage of the smaller camera size. It is the difference between being productive or mixing the PVS.



This is a patient of mine who I have know for years. He has been through a lot.  Adeno-carcinaoma was diagnosed 14 years ago and he battles it and has been clean for over 12 years. But at a cost, the chemo and the radiation have destroyed his salivary glands and trismus limits his opening to 45% of what it was.


Unfortunately he was in need of a crown on his maxillary molar. I had done a premolar with the Bluecam in the past but just was able to image with my Bluecam. Going farther back was questionable at best. Even getting a triple try for a conventional impression  was going to be a challenge. Luckily with the reduced size of the camera head I was able to get the upper jaw , lower jaw and the buccal bite imaged.


Even the interproximal surfaces could be imaged clearly giving me a great virtual model that a great fitting restoration could be fabricated from.