Bicon Guided Surgery Kit Available

The folks at Bicon have introduced their Guided Surgery Kit.  Guided surgery as you know allows the user to precisely place an implant based on their surgical plan as developed with the CEREC and Galileos.  There are numerous videos that can be found on, you can click here to view them.

  The Bicon kit is very simple.  You have a specific kit based on the size of implant you are placing. Essentially you can get a 4.0mm kit, a 4.5mm kit and a 5.0 mm kit.  A 6.0 mm kit will be available in the near future.  You start with either a tissue punch or lay a flap.  Then use the Space drill to perforate the cortical plate and then depending on the length of the implant, take your drill to the appropriate depth.    If for example you are doing a 4.0 x 11mm long implant, you would use the spade, then go use the first drill to go 5.0mm deep.  Then use the second drill to go 8.0mm deep and the final drill to go 11mm deep.   Essentially instead of going to depth and increasing the diameter, we are going to the proper diameter and simply increasing the depth of each drill.   The photos below show the process of how simple each kit is.   Look for more videos and information soon from!