Sirona Connect - Use It!

I spent the weekend discussing all things Cerec with a lot of prospective owners and current Cerec users. I discovered that there is a ton of misinformation out there regarding our ability to work with laboratories on the cases we are not able to complete in our offices. To make matters worse, a lot of the new scanner companies are sharing bad information about Cerec. What I found to be the most troubling is that so many long time users are not taking advantage of Cerec Connect for large cases, cases that require a casting, cases in which a master ceramist is needed etc. We have this amazing digital impressioning system yet a large percentage of users are still taking physical PVS impressions for cases beyond what they can handle in-office. Some myths....

Connecting to Sirona Connect will introduce viruses into my AC. Not true.

I need a dedicated hard wired internet connection. Not true. 

I am limited to only a few labs. Not true There are endless labs connected.

The software is expensive. Not true. It's free.

I have to pay each time I send a case. Not true. There is no pay-per-click and you actually save the outbound shipping charges.

I need to pay a computer technician to hook me up. Not true. Easily done on your own.

My point is that everyone should be taking advantage of this service. Master technicians are a click away. No putty. Better accuracy. Faster turnaround. Isn't that why we purchased our systems? GET CONNECTED!

You can even do...gasp...PFM...

Nicely stated bob! I love Cerec connect!!
