Extensions Associated with CEREC

With the growth of the CEREC platform, there seems to be some confusion as to what the different extensions are for each of the restorations that we create with the CEREC system.  This is a brief overview of the different extensions and what software they are associated with in the CEREC process.  

If this gets confusing and you are not sure which format is the correct format, if you need to export a case or design a case, feel free to ask the information on the Discussion Boards on cerecdoctors  - there is a full discussion board where the members can help you in your CEREC journey.

.rst: Chairside software

rstimg: imaging file for omnicam chairside

.con: Connect software

conimg: imaging file for omnicam connect

.lab: inlab software

.ilab: infinident file

.dxd: model file that you can use to transfer model data between connect and chairside or inlab (amongst a few other things)

.cam: inLab stack mill file

.cdt: inlab/chairside 3.8 and earlier file