The One Thing I Wish the Omnicam Had

Really the Omnicam is great.  The ability to take images without powder, in full color has really been  a major step forward.  I had an opportunity to be involved in the testing of the Omnicam and like all the other testers, was really blown away by what the engineers at Sirona were able to accomplish.

  After using the system now in clinical practice, I am still amazed by how well the Omnicam works.  Honestly, its just such a major leap forward from what CEREC users are used to seeing, it blows my mind at the technology we have available to us CEREC users today.   But from a selfish and teaching perspective, there is one thing missing in the Omnicam that I wish there was a way to incorporate.   Take a look at the image below - That one image tells me so much about the prep and how well the restoration will or will not fit.  I can make a determination of the margins, the overmilling that will occur on the internal, whether or not the contacts as designed will be accurate or not.  That one image allows me on to look at cases that are uploaded on the website, go straight to the image catalog and analyze what the issue was if the doctor doing the case had any problems.     Fast forward to the Omnicam- While looking at the color virtual model tells me a lot about the preparation as well, I miss this high res black and white image.  If I had one thing on my wish list, I wish there was a way that I could get the high res images from the Omnicam for analysis.  Now granted for 99% of the users this doesn't really do anything for them. I mean, giving up the black and white image  and trading it in for the powder free color model- I think any of us gladly make the trade.   But I guess I am just feeling a bit nostalgic about the Bluecam and how really remarkable that system is as well.  The truth is that whichever system you have currently, Blue or Omni, both have their plusses.  But the long term CEREC user in me sometimes just has a tough time adapting to change- even though the change is for the most part positive.   Happy CERECing and hope you are enjoying your holidays.


I just had my first opportunity to use the Omnicam for a full day. Totally unbelievable. But as I worked with it, i forgot and worked through lunch. About 2:30 I was really thirsty. Maybe they could install a soft drink dispenser ? I love that machine!

I think they need a soft drink dispenser, a foot massager as well as a vending machine attached to the side. :)

As an upgrader who is being put off until spring or summer, I am reading these threads with interest, but feeling left out. As an In-Office Trainer, I can help a new user with software management, workflow, and materials, but I will be very limited in the imaging area until I have some Omnicam experience of my own.

dr chuck, many of us still don't have it. I have helped many people who have the omnicam regardless of my not having one. trust me when I say an experienced user like yourself will have no problem helping any new omnicam user.