Tools to Contour Your Restorations

One of my favorite instruments in creating appropriate contours, not only on provisional restorations but also on final restorations is the diamond disk. Many different manufacturers make them.  I find these disks ideal for changing a slight contour as well as refining embrasures.  When we mill out our acrylic blocks, what we find is that the connector size is extremely large.  This disk does a great job of getting in the nooks and crannies of the embrasures and refining it.

Another great use, use it to break contacts when prepping for veneers.  If you have heard me lecture, my motto is always try to get distinct separation from the adjacent teeth when prepping.  If you have a veneer prep that you are trying to stay conservative on, this disk comes in handy to prep minimally but to just create enough space so that you can image appropriately and see your margins cleanly.

Use care as this will slice a finger or a lip in a nanosecond if you are not careful...but one of the best tools to have in your arsenal when doing restorative dentistry.