E.max Shortened Cycle - Clinical Study Validates Effectiveness

I just spent the morning working with Drs. Gordon and Rella Christensen. I had the opportunity to show Gordon the 4.0 software and get him and his team up to speed. It’s always interesting visiting such a high-energy individual who is passionate about his profession.

Even more enjoyable was visiting with Gordon’s wife, Rella. About two years ago, she had begun a study comparing e.max milled with a CEREC fired at the 12-minute cycle and the 19-minute cycle. The other materials tested in this study were Bruxzir and Zirconia layered with porcelain as a control.

The entire study will be published in an upcoming issue of CR Report so you will be able to dig into all the great details. But here is a quick summary:

  • e.max and Bruxzir at one-year recall on cases placed in the mouth – ZERO failures. No cracks, no problems, no chips.
  • e.max fired at 12 minutes performed exactly the same as e.max fired at 19 minutes. No difference whatsoever.

For those of you who have been waiting for clinical validation of the shortened cycle – here it is. Apparently, shortening the firing cycle based on the recommended parameters has no effect on strength or longevity. Granted, it’s only one year, but it’s one year in the mouth and Rella stated that in all her studies. If they see problems, they see them in the first year.

I’m happy to see this cycle validated further. This is now the third independent test that has been done and this one is in vivo and it should put all claims of "E-mostly-Cad" to rest.

Attached, please find the photo of the oven settings you need to change on your Ivoclar CS oven to get to the shortened cycle.  Ive also attached a video that walks you through how to reprogram your oven step by step as well as a step by step on how to glaze your emax restorations:

Here is a screen shot of the Vita oven and the 14 minute cycle:


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Do you have a quick checklist to follow to finalize a restoration once the proposal is given? We have a large practice and need a step by step list posted for everyone.
Thank you
Dr. Joe

Hi Dr. Joe,

I dont know if a step by step exists but I can certainly create one for you.

Could you please give some more specifics on the settings for the 12:40 cycle?

I am not following on the instructions above. I understand how to program the oven from the videos.

I am just not following what settings to change.

I don't see the corresponding symbols for 2,3, and 4 above.

Thanks :)

I found pictures of the screens on another thread. Thanks

First of all I can't figure out how to turn off the write protection for program 3 so I can see what values I am copying! I looked through the manual and I can' t figure it out and it is making me crazy! I tried using all the figures on the video to duplicate the 19 min cycle then change the values to make the 12:40 cycle and I push start on my oven and it says 11:20! I want to use these new values, but I can' t figure this out! I hope someone on here can help me figure this out. On these instruction I hate how it get simplified. Like it says "just copy the values for program 3" When I cant even figure out how to do that with this stupid write protection thing and who the heck knows how to remove that.... Hope someone can give me some help:)

Ryan- the best thing you can do is to have your Ivoclar rep come by and show you how to change the settings if the videos are not clear.


How do I copy program3 to program5 ?
Is there a video for that?

Thank you.


Hi, we will have a video on this in the next few days.

Here is a video on how to program your oven- step by step:

The link no longer works, is there another?  

On 7/27/2012 at 12:23 pm, Sameer Puri ( Founder) said... Here is a video on how to program your oven- step by step:


Kaitlin- the 12:40 cycle is not valid. Since this wa created, Ivoclar has created their official shortened cycle of 14:50. Please use that- it's p3 on the oven

Is there a way to edit the thread title (and perhaps delete the internal messages) to indicate it is obsolete and keep people from getting excited about a new 12 minute cycle and reading through the entire thing only to find out it is not valid?

I guess I'm just confused.  Can we continue to just use program 3 as is on the oven or do we need to copy it to program 5 so as to modify it?  Are some of you using an older oven that doesn't have the spray glaze cycle and thats why you need to program the oven or do we all need to do this? 

On 10/15/2015 at 3:52 pm, Gary Templeman said...

Is there a way to edit the thread title (and perhaps delete the internal messages) to indicate it is obsolete and keep people from getting excited about a new 12 minute cycle and reading through the entire thing only to find out it is not valid?

Had the same thought Gary... although it does indicate the "validity" of the short cycle we have been using, I wasn't confused by the title... just some of the comments that perhaps there was something new.

Greg, like Sam said, use P3 schedule.
IMHO, no need to edit threads if one looks at the time of the post. Shows how far we have come!!

On 10/15/2015 at 7:16 pm, Mark Fleming (Faculty & Magazine Editor) said... Greg, like Sam said, use P3 schedule. IMHO, no need to edit threads if one looks at the time of the post. Shows how far we have come!!


On 10/15/2015 at 7:16 pm, Mark Fleming (Faculty & Magazine Editor) said... Greg, like Sam said, use P3 schedule. IMHO, no need to edit threads if one looks at the time of the post. Shows how far we have come!!

The point is not the age of the post.

Old posts that have good information in them, or get resurrected due to having new information added are still valuable, and often it is GOOD to re-read through the entire thing, not to mention all the newer members who never saw it initially. I am just talking about the small percentage of old threads that have obsolete or incorrect information in them and really should be ignored. It would be nice if those threads could be flagged in some way.