John Lennon and ... Harry Potter??

So I'm driving in my car with my two daughters, ages 8 and 11. They are listening to their usual drivel of Brittany Spears, etc. (I wonder if this is how my parents felt when my brother and I used to listen to Depeche Mode and Oingo Boingo!), and I ask permission to change the station to hear what else is on. Anyone with young pre-teen daughters must know that you can't just change the radio station in the car for fear of the wrath that your kids will unleash on you.

So I get permission, and the DJ on another station starts talking about the Beatles and how it's the 30- year anniversary of when John Lennon was shot.

Despite the kids wanting to change the station, I thought, what an opportunity to teach them about some history of music so I proceeded to explain the history of the Beatles and their significance on pop culture as John Lennon starts to sing "Imagine."

I told my girls that this was an important song because it was about peace, but that he was killed by a crazy guy. Not only that, that day happened to be the anniversary of John Lennon's death. Now those of you that are into Harry Potter will understand what happens next.

My 8-year-old screams at the top of her lungs in a joyous voice 'Happy Death Day John Lennon!'

Considering I've only seen bits and pieces of Harry Potter, I didn't quite get the reference, but had to be schooled by my kids on how the ghosts in Harry Potter celebrate the day they die. What seemed shocking to me is just a reference to the pop culture of today.

Man, I am really starting to feel old and disconnected! Next thing you know, I'll start wearing shorts with black dress socks and dress shoes like my old man!