Plugged In!

I was lecturing at a local CEREC study club here in Washington this past weekend. We were discussing how 3.83 has improved some of the features in 3.8. A couple of the attendees complained to the study club moderator and their CEREC specialists, wondering why they have never heard of 3.83 until this study club, since I told them that it has been out and downloadable for about a week or so.

I defended the moderator and the CEREC specialist, jokingly stating, "That is why they were here at the study club meeting!"

I can't think of a better way to stay plugged in than I love how important information is kept incredibly current in terms of updates, patches and new techniques on the website, to the point where most CEREC owners find out about this info and it is old news to us cerecdoctors.

Keep plugged in, stay involved on the discussion forum, be involved with local study clubs. I can't wait to see many of you at the annual meeting.

We have the best of everything CEREC right here!