I'm Thankful for the Community

Thank you Sam! And a bunch of other people too! CDocs are the best docs!

Thanks for the opportunity to share in this journey.

Happy Thanksgiving


 it is very easy to start something, but it takes a lot of time, dedication, love to build something exceptional. I can certainly say that what you have built here has helped many people. The energy that you guys put on the website, magazine, courses..... It is draining, but you guys do it, and keep doing it. 

I am certainly thankful, that even though I am not in US, but i still can see all my friends post online and keep in touch. this is a wonderful community ....

Keep it up guys. 


Mehran!!! Miss you my friend. Hope you and the family are well!

Mehran, I'm sure cdocs can send you and your family airfare to here since there has been an unexpected surplus due to a decrease in spending on cdocs pens!

Hope all is well, my friend!!!


You building and nurturing this community not only has helped thousands of dentists get better at what they do but also the hundreds of thousands of patients they serve.

Thank you to you and your exceptional team for what you do.



Yes Thanks are in order

About 9 years ago I travelled out to El Segundo W/ Jeff Caso and met with Sam  for the first time. We knew each other via Dentaltown and at that time we felt there was only one option for advanced training with Cerec. 

That is when my membership and association with CDocs began. The start to an amazing journey

I thank Sam for his vision and leadership- constantly improving CDocs. Creating associations and partnerships that have allowed CDocs to constantly advance. There have been many organizations that have come and go over the years. By Keeping CDocs focused on the ever changing endgame It has evolved into what it is today.

But it is also the people involved that have allowed this organization to be sustained as other groups left the scene, the members, faculty and Spear teammembers.

I have been lucky enough to create great friendships that have made my life more fun and more exciting. I have met people that have made me constantly push my limits and improve my game. I have been lucky enough to be in a position to help others. Nothing better than to go out to visit various locations and knowing there is a friend nearby. Nothing more confident when I have a patient move across the country world but know there is a great Cerec dentist near them to allow them to continue to have highest quality of dental work.

10 years ago I was sitting in my op hammering away doing what I thought was good dentistry. Today is a whole different viewpoint, a different approach, utilizing different and better techniques

So yes I thank Sam for his friendship, his advice and his leadership but I thank the collective whole for making my dentistry better for me and for my patients

and more fun

Happy Thanksgiving to all- enjoy the holiday

The fact that you have so many docs that actually check in on on Thanksgiving Day speaks volumes about the kind of culture that has been created here. It may sound corny to some, but it really does feel like family. I am also very grateful to be a part of something like this. CEREC and have been such tremendous blessings for me and my family. Thanks to Sam and the rest of the Cdocs team for all that you do and thanks to everyone else on this site for sharing what you know with me. There are so many skilled, knowledgable, helpful people involved in this. It is just incredible to me. Happy Thanksgiving everybody!

I still recall being at my very first event 5.5 yrs ago where I learned about cerec. I also will never forget my first level 3 course April 2011 where I learned the sarmen technique on 3.85 software! I recall being part of the first group to take level 4 with new 4.0 software and being excited! I will for ever remember the first stack mill and competing with Ryan Hamilton and his son in trying to design and mill fastest and seeing who finishes first with 2 crowns milked out of one block in level 5. I recall all the good times at Stone Rose (and some not so good)! I recall all the fun and pranks we pulled! Sam, do you remember the one with Shayna and me! That was Jan 2012!!

I too have met some of my best friends from this group! I have learned much from the wisdom of this group and best part is that learning CEREC was the easy part!

In life, the journey itself is the joy and fun! I am grateful for this group's help in some of my toughest times and I am grateful and thank this group and ALL who took a chance to Create and grow this group and for helping me continue to work on my Leadership!

Sending everyone of you a big bear hug and I appreciate all that you all have done for me, for my practice, and for my family!


Don't hug too hard BT, you don't want to blow out the only good shoulder you have

Sam, it is amazing to have watched you grow over the years.....I remember meeting you at university of Tenn long ago and enjoyed the stuff you did with townie.   And to see the development of cerecdoctors over the years is amazing.  I know from working with the ACDNA.    There is so much work you have to do behind the scenes of any meeting at the center or in Vegas....I appreciate what you have done to help Cerec has changed so much since I started in 98.    It is so exciting to see the growth grow exponentially in the last 10 I am thankful because I know the history from where it was and where it is now. And I am thankful because of Cerec and the friends I have made my love for what I do has grown exponentially as well.   So I am truly Thankful....

Muchas Gracias Sam! 

I remember that phone call inviting me to be part of your mentor group, all I have to say it was   the best times in my CEREC journey, I made my best friends at the center.Your leadership is contagious and your word of a Sage full of wisdom always come true. 

1 month ago I suffered a heard attack, I'm grateful by the support and prayers from my friends and family,  I will say that the first message I got in my phone it came from Sam and after that from many of my CEREC friends from cdocs and al over the world. 

I’m truly grateful to be part of such of nice dental community. 


People who change after change, will survive
People who change with change, will succeed
People who cause the change, will lead

Those are great posts Sam and Rich-  I love those high risk life stories-- it's been my personal experience that betting on yourself is the only way to go. My bet on myself was greatly helped by CEREC and this group.  

I appreciate this site so much.  Rich and Coop personally helped out some of my patients (my dad included) even though I never have met either in person.  Unbelievable.  

Farhad took time out of his life to help me plan a tough implant case on a family friend.  Unreal.  

I will do the same for anyone here.  It's truly a special group and I am proud to be a part of it.  

I call all of you guys my friends, even though I have only met a handful of you all.  

It's a great time to be a dentist.....especially if you're a part of this group.   

Thanks indeed!

Pete Said "10 years ago I was sitting in my op hammering away doing what I thought was good dentistry. Today is a whole different viewpoint, a different approach, utilizing different and better techniques"

I have to to totally agree here. I was in cerec since cerec-2. I felt I would contribute more to cdocs than I would get back. I was wrong and like Pete I am in a whole different place and viewpoint not only on cerec but in Dentistry as a whole.

Thank you Sam for having a vision and making it work. Thanks for continuing to improve it. I am thankful to all the staff and instructors as well.

​Happy late thanksgiving.

Best wishes to Sam  and all the Cerecdoc guys and for your help through this site - truly inspirational .

Going on 14 years since Cerec2 I would loved to have had all this back then.

I love it that we can apply the digital methods to patient care and that we all try harder to be better .

Thank you from us guys down here and your recent travel to us to keep us in the loop .