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Created Title
Incomplete Milled Inlay
By: Thomas Carie 4 Replies
high occlusion 2
By: Jonathan Elmer 8 Replies
High Occlusion
By: Jonathan Elmer 1 Reply
High Occlusion
By: Anonymous 1 Reply
Another file for the Germans
By: Steve Nielsen 7 Replies
Imperfection on mesial margin
By: Nancy Hartrick 7 Replies
bad crown correlation proposal
By: Dr James Hirshberg 10 Replies
Still strggling with marginal fit
By: W. Chris Edwards 37 Replies
contact issues
By: Anonymous 26 Replies
Antagonist images could not stiched together
By: Adam Beers 2 Replies
Pink line disappearing into blue line (margin)
By: Timothy Kaufmann 1 Reply
funky bridge proposal
By: Yvon Belliveau 13 Replies
Why do I not have a contact button???
By: Jonathan Montag 2 Replies
Ongoing lingual margin discrepancy woes
By: Greg Davis 15 Replies
Movement of Sprue - Ghost image
By: Gareth Small 2 Replies
Margin blues
By: W. Chris Edwards 12 Replies
Strange proposal
By: Rusty Lewis 7 Replies
Haven't seen this in a long time...
By: michael scoles 11 Replies
"air bubble" on model margin
By: dennis stolzenburg 6 Replies
trouble crown no 36
By: David Faucher 5 Replies
crazy high proposal
By: jerry mcgue 1 Reply
3.83 Correlation bug?
By: Ryan Hamilton 13 Replies
Would you cement this in your best friends mouth?
By: W. Chris Edwards 26 Replies
Margins appeared short
By: Anonymous 7 Replies
could not seat crowns no 9 and 10
By: David Faucher 27 Replies
I had difficulty with height of contour.
By: Ray Kessler 11 Replies
not even Marginal margins
By: W. Chris Edwards 3 Replies
tooth #14 crown open margin and rocking
By: Mitchell Katz 18 Replies
MARGINAL FIT-Would you cement this?
By: W. Chris Edwards 9 Replies
A funky quadrant and a seating problem
By: Long Zhao 3 Replies
high occlusion with buccal bite
By: jerry mcgue 1 Reply
Implant case critique
By: Jim Finney 4 Replies
Crown/Onlay won't seat
By: W. Chris Edwards 16 Replies
Toggle/Settle revisited
By: Eric Moskowitz 10 Replies
open contact short marginal ridge
By: Galen Campbell 4 Replies
quad case gone bad
By: Anonymous 20 Replies
By: Eric Salmonson 5 Replies
newbie (same case 2nd try)
By: Eric Salmonson 2 Replies
Retry for biogen ref erence will not correlate
By: Ray Kessler 5 Replies
What happened to my green fissure line in proposal?
By: Jonathan Montag 5 Replies
retry bio ref but only a screenshot
By: Ray Kessler 2 Replies
High occlusal contacts
By: Anonymous 1 Reply
Biogeneric reference won't correlate, why not?
By: Ray Kessler 4 Replies
high crown
By: Ike Heaphy 8 Replies
Scottsdale Attendee ~ Sept. 18 & 19th
By: Thomas Carie 5 Replies
Holes in milling process
By: Jennifer Matthews 3 Replies
anterior proposal problems
By: Tom Rehrauer 7 Replies
Scottsdale Attendee ~ Sept. 18th & 19th
By: Thomas Carie 5 Replies
Problems Stitching Images
By: Thomas Carie 3 Replies
analyze please
By: Keven Hockley 5 Replies