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CEREC/.rst File Analysis Post a New Topic

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Created Title
New Cerec Doctor with Restoration Problems
By: Thomas Carie 2 Replies
#13 -- funky proposal...why???
By: Jonathan Montag 5 Replies
help with onlay
By: J. David Fowler 2 Replies
heght of fissure issues
By: Maria Kahoohanohano 6 Replies
how do i send my files cdt.?, how do i open cdt files?
By: louis shaheen 1 Reply
I guess I just don't get it...
By: Ray Morse 26 Replies
analyze second file
By: Keven Hockley 5 Replies
Open Contact Problem continued......
By: Joe Hale 2 Replies
Tight Proximal Contacts
By: Bin Hoang 5 Replies
Open Contact Problem
By: Joe Hale 5 Replies
Error Message/Milled fine
By: Kevin Hickey 12 Replies
Tight Contacts
By: Bin Hoang
buccal bite not that accurate this time
By: Xhoana Gjelaj 11 Replies
why won't this correlate?
By: Paul Freeman 2 Replies
help with implant crown
By: J. David Fowler 4 Replies
pink line has two dots, evn though this is a crown
By: Robert Rioseco 2 Replies
implant crown proposal help
By: J. David Fowler 1 Reply
Mystery tooth in scan
By: Robert Rioseco 1 Reply
midline correlation
By: David Faucher 5 Replies
weirdness, but no harm done
By: Steve Nielsen 4 Replies
Bur through crown in mill preview
By: Mark Aston 8 Replies
Hrdware/software problem !!
By: Steve Nielsen 3 Replies
Bridge attempt
By: Steve Nielsen 9 Replies
Horrible Initial Proposal.....
By: Howard Goldstein 8 Replies
Models will not correlate
By: Mark Aston 6 Replies
Pink Line Help Please
By: Brad Woodring 4 Replies
Buccal Bite did not articulate properly
By: Charlton Ho 9 Replies
Could I please get some feedback : )
By: 12 Replies
buccal bite problem
By: Anonymous 1 Reply
need suggestions and ideas
By: Ray Morse 8 Replies
Occlusion too high?
By: Anonymous 12 Replies
small proposal
By: Steve Nielsen 7 Replies
poor proposal new software
By: dennis stolzenburg
Aline proposal. #31
By: Alex Shvartsman 1 Reply
Fold in proposal
By: Anonymous 14 Replies
Empress crown #21
By: Gregory Mark 2 Replies
just got 3.8 and test drivin' in the red...
By: Michael Melkers 7 Replies
Unable to see Design line when undo restoration
By: Mitchell Katz 3 Replies
Can someone help my Dr out I am posting this for him.
By: David Frease 3 Replies
Viewing CDT files on other computer...
By: Jonathan Montag 3 Replies
Can't open CDT's on my computer since I put in 3.8
By: Howard Goldstein 8 Replies
preop image stitching
By: Mark Gee 3 Replies
Can someone tell me....
By: Jonathan Montag 6 Replies
a lot of red
By: Charles Harrell 7 Replies
#8 Biogeneric "Replication"
By: Alex Shvartsman 5 Replies
Constantly getting thin proposals
By: Jeff Paffenroth 9 Replies
cerec connect can not correlate bite
By: Anonymous 16 Replies
my inlays don't seat.
By: Anonymous 3 Replies
ugly proposal
By: Darrell Haas 2 Replies
.cdt of Biogeneric Reference crown
By: Charles Lo Giudice 3 Replies