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Discuss hands-on CDOCS workshops, the Charlotte and Scottsdale campuses and surrounding areas.

Created Title
Business attire or scrubs?
By: Kathryn Haire 2 Replies
Unusual Findings in a Large Field of View CT Image
By: Thomas Kauffman 6 Replies
How to polish Katana STML
By: Mike Skramstad 13 Replies
food near NC campus
By: Andrew Nothem 12 Replies
Making #8 look like mirror image to #9- anterior crown
By: Damon Thompson 1 Reply
Advanced Suresmile course
By: Ross Rubino 9 Replies
worth the trip
By: Bob Dawe 7 Replies
aetna fee reduction
By: Brad Dorsch 17 Replies
Software and course content has come a long way
By: Bob Dawe 9 Replies
Great to be back teaching ICA (at least virtually!)
By: Doug Smail, D.D.S. 2 Replies
For CDOCS Virtual fundamentals class Sept 10-11th
By: Meghana Sthanam 1 Reply
Any news about hands on workshops resuming?
By: Ross Rubino 13 Replies
CE course question
By: Tim Vanitvelt 3 Replies
Splint Temporary Crowns Together
By: Robert Murav 1 Reply
LOVE the Tip of the Day videos
By: Ernie Johnson
Looking for Skramy's Implant design Webinar during Quarantine
By: Peter Eliopoulos 4 Replies
By: Paul Kruth 5 Replies
Abutment minimal thickness
By: Deepthy Thomas 5 Replies
How does Biohorizons Guided Surgical kit fit into the DS workflow?
By: Nick Cost 7 Replies
4B rocks
By: Ross Rubino 4 Replies
Pocket reduction and crown lengthening resources ?
By: Jason Retter 1 Reply
By: Jason Retter 3 Replies
CEREC cement retained abutment
By: Greg Secora 2 Replies
Problems with Programat cs and emax
By: Robert Clapcich 8 Replies
ICC Workshop Exactly what I needed
By: Ryan Bucher 7 Replies
3D printable denture base resins
By: Robert Clapcich 4 Replies
Cerec Cam Software Not Communicating with Speedfire
By: Josh Merrell 3 Replies
By: Ross Rubino 11 Replies
Time Clock software??
By: Robin Levy 9 Replies
Modifying surgical guide
By: Robert Clapcich 1 Reply
Dr. Thomas Kaufman is a rock star
By: Robert Clapcich 12 Replies
ICA last two days
By: Ross Rubino 7 Replies
Spear Hands On Implant Workshop
By: Jason Fligor 1 Reply
If you have not sat in the "Interdisciplinary Management of Esthetic Dilemmas " Spear Seminar....
By: Jake Skowronski 4 Replies
If you have not sat in the "Interdisciplinary Management of Esthetic Dilemmas " Spear Seminar....
By: Jake Skowronski
Sometimes you have to do the first one... Blog Post
By: Thomas Monahan 14 Replies
By: Alan Fujimoto 2 Replies
Best bridge material
By: Maria Rhode 6 Replies
The airway Prosth course
By: Brad Dorsch 11 Replies
scan before sirona connect set-up hello
By: Angie LeCras 4 Replies
Meshmixer denture base
By: Robert Clapcich 1 Reply
Mill tab is gray and unable to move to milling when importing an older case
By: Francisco Darquea 1 Reply
Scanning denture
By: Robert Clapcich 3 Replies
First Time in Charlotte
By: Doug Smail, D.D.S. 24 Replies
Level 2 Here I Come !
By: Paul Kruth 14 Replies
tibase for neodent
By: Sam Nechamkin 1 Reply
Treating the terminal dentition seminar
By: Xhoana Gjelaj 1 Reply
Looking for a video
By: Josh Fowler 6 Replies
Moonray/Rayware help
By: Robert Clapcich 2 Replies
Choosing Next Cerec training
By: Bryan Burrows 19 Replies