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Discuss hands-on CDOCS workshops, the Charlotte and Scottsdale campuses and surrounding areas.

Created Title
Biomechanics in Dentistry
By: Gregory Mark
Contains Video Anterior Abutment/Abutment Crown design
By: Mike Skramstad 12 Replies
By: Scott Martinka
New Photoshop Video
By: Mike Skramstad 9 Replies
trial run FVSU dmd
By: Ulysses L. Marable 1 Reply
Level 2 & Level 6 this weekend: Friday morning extracurricular invitation
By: Chad Johnson 2 Replies
DSD video
By: Gregory Mark 3 Replies
Bring Assistants to Level IV?
By: Brad Adams 6 Replies
Help! Can the buccal bite be edited without the .rstimg file?
By: Nick Cost 4 Replies
Occlusion showing totally in red
By: Pam Whelan 2 Replies
Spear Workshop Start Time?
By: Baron Grutter 4 Replies
Golf course overseed schedule for Arizona
By: Ernie Johnson 5 Replies
Crystalizing and Glazing a Hybrid Abutment Crown
By: Nick Cost 2 Replies
What do most charge for a provisional maryland bridge?
By: Peter Eliopoulos 3 Replies
Contains Video CEREC Video while milling
By: Deborha Staten 12 Replies
Going to level 3 training this Thur
By: Winnie Cheung 4 Replies
"constant proposal"
By: John Pinzl 1 Reply
Occlusal color
By: Gregory Mark 1 Reply
Level 2 vs. level 3
By: Eric Adler 9 Replies
impression material to capture wax-up for transfer to mouth
By: Steven Darling 4 Replies
Symposium speakers
By: Damian Chung 30 Replies
The Fluorescent Game
By: Mike Skramstad 14 Replies
By: Stephen Lopuck 10 Replies
Staining at margin
By: Bryan Casseday 16 Replies
Level 4 course
By: Grant Yiu 7 Replies
Cerec doc iphone app
By: Jennifer Matthews 1 Reply
Astra Implant System
By: Brent R. Browning 27 Replies
thoughts on taking level 2 and 4 and skipping 3
By: Chad Stewart 9 Replies
crown margin supragingival or subgingival
By: Denny Cho 2 Replies
By: Warren Jesek 3 Replies
Programat CS furnace Ivoclar Vivadent
By: Bryan Casseday 5 Replies
By: Joe Wilbanks 2 Replies
Contains Video How to remove a sprue from a hybrid Abutment
By: Mike Skramstad 12 Replies
I love Mentoring and visiting the Campus!
By: Chad Johnson 10 Replies
Cerec Training using mini dental implants
By: Ivan Salmons 8 Replies
Level Two on 2/6/14
By: Gordon Lewis 3 Replies
Level 3 Course
By: Matthew Zweig 9 Replies
Can I Download a Webinar from onto a computer file?
By: James Eike 2 Replies
What Course should I take?
By: Charles Payet 17 Replies
Managing occlusion with the Sirona Scanpost
By: Mike Skramstad 6 Replies
Did somebody "fix the glitch"??
By: Nick Cost 9 Replies
Question about a 3 unit posterior eMax bridge
By: Nick Cost 2 Replies
course agendas
By: Greg Kelly 1 Reply
Thanksgiving Sarmen case
By: Mike Skramstad 19 Replies
CEREC Accept in Charlotte last weekend
By: John Pasicznyk 15 Replies
Cerec ACCEPT in Chicago this last weekend
By: Chad Johnson 8 Replies
level 3 Nov 7th and 8th
By: Adam Cormier 18 Replies
attn Armon
By: Sam Jain
Scientific symposium live updates
By: Rich Rosenblatt 218 Replies
how do I trim buccal artifact from the opposing model?
By: Andy Wiemeyer 2 Replies